Thursday, June 26, 2008

Writing a Script

Hey guys! First tip here and this one is on writing a script. Now most people never could imagine that they can write a script. But that isn't true. Script writing is actually very easy. Now every time I get an idea for a show/movie script the first thing I do is write it down. That way i dont forget the idea. So after I've written down the idea, I will try and expand on the idea. I will think of characters and than for each character I'll write as much information about them as I can. Now after this is done, I'll write a final plot that will include as much details as I can fit in. Now sometimes I will dive right in to writing the script part of it, but most other times I will write out a scene list. This helps especially since you might need help starting your script. I write out the scene, the characters in the scene and than a short description for the scene. Once I've done that, I'll start on the script. Now how I write scripts might not work for everyone, but the best way, in my opinion, is that I imagine every scene in my head and I put in my own dialogue and then write it down. But for most people is they would just improvise with maybe one other person or themselves. Than after that write it down. Once I've done all of that, I will create a title and put everything in the correct format, which is shown below:

Character Name:


So once you've got all of that, print out a copy, and find a local director and give it to them. In the off chance you are lucky, they might put it on. But before you do that, make sure to spend the money and get it copyrighted because if a director finds a good script he/she is going to want to take credit for it. So spend the money and get it copyrighted, than give it to your theatre teachers at your school, or give it to any local director. If it is a film script, try yourself to turn it into a masterpiece. Now if it is really good, which for most first time scripts its not great, you can send it to a production company (whichever one of your choice, film/theatre) and see if they will perform/film it. Next week will be tips on directing! Stay tuned!

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